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Disposable Clip Applier and Ligating Clips

Scope of application:

The product is suitable for ligating blood vessels or tissues during surgery; The continuous application clamp is a conveying device for ligating clamps.

Advantages and Characteristics:

The fully automatic continuous design eliminates the need for repetitive clip removal, allowing for continuous ligation during surgery. The three ligation clips can be closed within 10 seconds, significantly improving the efficiency of ligation and shortening the surgical time.

Continuous firing and clamping can quickly achieve emergency hemostasis during surgery, improving surgical safety.

Using highly biocompatible polymer clips that are transparent to radiation and free of artifacts, with unique anti slip and anti drop clip designs.

Copyright © Bonnie Medical Device Technology(Changzhou)Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 備案號:蘇IC備19075124號
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